Tuesday 4 July 2023

A newbie!

I had another hectic day at work, and Jo was training a new girl called Kirsty who had been working at another centre. She was young and inexperienced, and we don't know yet how she will fit in with our little crowd! Although she has a knowledge of the business, she hadn't been answering phones before and she was very quiet! 

I  caught up with Sheila and asked for help with the crash courses and holiday activities but she was also manically busy! I have until next Sunday to get the first week input onto the system, so not really a long time!

Today has been grey, rainy, and cool, but the heat is due to make a comeback at the end of the week and into the weekend... I would be delighted if we could have sunshine and about 21c every day, but experts say we're facing multiple heatwaves over the summer. Phew!

Sophie and I sampled a beautiful red wine this evening that she'd bought at Costco. We will definitely buy this one again and it certainly lived up to its name!

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