Monday 31 July 2023

Deep thoughts!

The phone call I'd been dreading came today from North Northamptonshire Council about Mum and Dad's financial assessment. I spoke to a woman from the relevant department on the way home from work and she was actually very pleasant and understanding, which was lovely. I don't think I'll ever come to terms with the situation, though, and the loss of their house. The council will take almost all of their pension and benefit income, leaving them an allowance to spend every week.

I suppose it could be worse, though. I watched the news this morning which featured a 96-year-old woman who'd been in hospital for almost a year, waiting for a care package to be put in place so she could return home. She was all on her own, with carers coming in four times a day to help. It showed her sitting staring out of the window which almost broke my heart...

Dinner this evening was the prawn cocktail we should have had on Friday, and Sophie chose stuffed peppers to go with her salad. Keith and I watched the last episode of Earth and it had me thinking deeply, as usual! There were so many instances in the last 4.5 billion years that were "just right" for humans to eventually evolve, and it does make think we should cherish each day we're alive because if there was just one break in the long, long link, we wouldn't be here!

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