Tuesday 1 November 2022

The lurgy strikes!

Today has been as bad as yesterday was good! I couldn't open my flask of porridge this morning as it seemed to be welded shut, and when I did manage to get at it, the porridge was lukewarm. Yuk! This kind of set the tone for the day and although nothing majorly bad happened, it was a niggly day that I wanted to be over!

Sophie felt ill today so she left work early and went home. She must have been feeling ill to do that, poor thing! So far, I have managed to escape the lurgy, but I did have a dry throat and a slight headache today, so I hope it's not a sign of things to come. We have stopped testing now, as if it is covid, there's nothing stopping us from doing things and going out. We have one test left from the free ones we used to receive so we're keeping that for posterity!

Sophie didn't feel like cooking tonight (none of us did) so we ordered an Indian takeaway from Mawsley. Before it arrived, we watched an episode of Stanley Tucci's Italian foodie trip, which injected some colour and life into a chilly November evening. He was in Calabria and the places he visited looked stunning. How I would love to devote a few years of my life exploring Europe in all its beauty!

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