Tuesday 22 November 2022

Little grumbles.

After a quiet morning at work, our management team sent out emails to our members with the news that their monthly price was increasing - by 49p. Not a huge increase, but we had a sudden flurry of cancellations with some people realising that they were still paying for a membership they probably hadn't been using. We call these members "sleepers" as they carry on paying but never go to the gym. I'm just glad I'm not at work tomorrow, as I have a feeling it will be busy with people either moaning about the increase or cancelling altogether!

I do sometimes wonder whether running a gym is a good idea. We get new members gushing about how they want to change their lives and exercise, but a few months down the line, they've fallen by the wayside. We have a core amount of members who always attend (like Sophie at Virgin) but the vast majority of our members don't actually go much at all.

So, it was with relief that I left at 4pm and drove home, almost in the dark. The weather has been horrible again today with more high winds and rain forecast for the rest of the week. At home, we put the heating on as the house felt cold.

Dinner this evening was a chicken and bacon pasta bake and it was delicious with enough leftovers for lunches. Sophie and I watched Escape to the Chateau and marvelled at how Dick instantly builds things for Angel... she is a lucky woman!

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