Saturday 12 November 2022

Saturday working.

Sophie gave me a lift to work this morning and then carried on to the gym where she'd booked two yoga classes. My shift passed very pleasantly, except for one very frustrating phone call where a man was trying to book a simple swim session! In the end, I advised him to just go to the pool and pay at the door!

At 2pm Sophie picked me up, and after a quick stop at the new Waitrose outlet at the Shell garage to get some salad, we returned home. Keith left shortly afterwards to see Sileby play and he was bundled up as if he was heading for the Arctic! It was a balmy and sunny 16c outdoors, very unusual for this time of the year. I knew, though, that when the sun went down, it would get a lot chillier!

Sophie and I had salad and sandwiches for lunch and then it was time to relax. The afternoon went alarmingly quickly, to be honest, and at 5pm we played Scrabble with a Manhattan. Sophie had threatened to thrash me,  but I won the first game with the highest score I'd ever achieved! Over 500 points! I also won the second game, so Sophie had to eat her words!

Sophie getting desperate and using words not allowed! It's titty!

Dinner tonight was a chicken tagine and we had to massage spices into the bird, and then brown it before cooking it slowly in the oven on top of onions, peppers, new potatoes and courgettes. Seven weeks ago we were eating the same dish in Auxerre, which made me feel very wistful!

The meal was delicious and the meat fell off the bone. We served it with couscous which soaked up all the lovely juices. After we'd eaten we watched a good film called Red Eye starring Rachel McAdams and a nasty Cillian Murphy. The end was nail-biting!

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