Tuesday 16 November 2021


I had today off work and had an appointment with the deputy manager of the care home this morning to discuss the fees for Mum and Dad with her. I arrived at 11am and met Mum and Dad in reception. We used the family room on the second floor, and although the meeting wasn't that helpful, at least she gave me some suggestions about what would happen in the future when, sadly, their money might run out.

Mum hadn't been very well, and she still wasn't right, so we put off going out for a cup of tea this afternoon. The weather was horrible, anyway, with grey, misty skies and a chill to the air. A real November day!

I sat with them until 12pm and then returned home where I suggested to Keith that we pop out to Smith's farm shop and buy a couple of things we needed for the evening meal. The weather tried to cheer up as we drove into Northampton, but the brief glimpse of sun didn't last. We had a quick look around the farm shop, noticing that they now have a cafe, so that's one to remember for the future! We bought some carrots, part-baked baguettes and some crackers to go with cheese for lunch, and made our way home. 

In the evening the three of us went to the pub as it was Ian's last day and the staff had thrown a surprise party for him. I had imagined people arriving in dribs and drabs throughout the evening, but when we arrived at 6pm the front lounge was packed out! There was no space at all, so we made our way through to the back part of the pub where it was quieter, and I suggested to Keith that Sophie and I return home and cook dinner. There were just too many people for my liking, and the risk of catching Covid was too high for me. I do wonder if there'll be an outbreak in a week's time?

We'd planned a dish tonight called Pan Haggerty, and it originates from the North-East of England. I cooked some streaky bacon until it was browned, then set it aside and fried some onions and carrots. We then layered potatoes, bacon, carrots and onions in a big casserole dish, poured over some chicken stock and popped it into the oven. 

We had just enough time to sip a glass of wine before going back and collecting Keith. Even the back room was now full and there was a speech in progress. I felt sad that I hadn't personally said goodbye to Ian but I'm sure we'll see him in the pub in the future and on the other side of the bar!

Back home the smells were delicious, but the meal wasn't ready until about 8pm. Sophie had prepared some vegetables and just before we were due to serve the meal I covered the top layer of potatoes with cheese and popped the dish under a hot grill. The meal was lovely and one we'll definitely have again.

It was fitting that we'd eaten a Hairy Bikers dish as we watched the last episode of their Northern Odyssey after dinner - this time they were visiting Si's stamping ground of Newcastle and it was a real treat to watch them cook some more delicious food!

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