Monday 22 November 2021

A new room!

Another Monday rolls around. but before we know it, it's Friday again! I did my two hours of admin work from 8am until 10am, and managed to clear a lot of the customer service emails. My shift wasn't bad at all but it was lovely to drive home at 4pm and see if Keith had done anything in the spare bedroom.

And he had! He'd put the curtains back and everything looked lovely. I was quite jealous! It looks better than our room!

Our newly painted curtain pole!

I am so pleased with the painted frame of the picture and the headboard! What a difference to a room that had been neglected over the last few years and it got to the point where I refused to go in there. We have no idea what Mike's going to say when he comes home for Christmas, but while he's staying in there, he'd better look after it! I just need to find some more pictures and cushions, and maybe a throw to tie it all together!


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