Friday 5 November 2021

In stitches!

I was awake at about 5am this morning, so I felt a bit sleepy first thing! Work was stressful, to begin with, as I struggled with an excel spreadsheet for the box office returns, and then my phone wouldn't work. I learned that another member of staff had sat at my desk and had been fiddling with the headphone lead but Sheila managed to sort it out for me while I temporarily sat somewhere else. I'm so used to my own computer and phone now, it's hard to believe I used to sit at different desks when I first started there!

After the hiccups, we had a pleasant shift and Nicola came out to have a chat. We started talking about beds and sleeping with our partners and we were soon in stitches! I used to get annoyed when I first joined, and Nicola would laugh loudly, but we all turned into cackleheads this morning!

At 4pm I sped home and relaxed. Sophie took a different route home this evening, to avoid some roadworks, so arrived back a lot more quickly! I took Keith to the pub, and then we returned home to have a glass of wine (my November abstinence has gone by the wayside, but it was my first drink this week!) and watch The Wedding Planner starring Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Lopez. Both of us agreed it was very cheesy indeed!

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