Tuesday 23 November 2021


I was looking after a new member of staff today, called Tracie, and she sat opposite so I could help her out with any queries. I came off the phones as there was no point in me being on at the same time if she needed help, and she did need quite a bit of help with a lot of calls. I didn't mind, and the time certainly passed very quickly! In between helping Tracie, I dealt with the customer service emails again, but as I won't be in tomorrow and Thursday, somebody else will have to deal with them. Sheila, probably!

It was great to go home and look forward to two days off. Even better, Sophie is off tomorrow, and we've decided to go to the antique centre at Weedon and look for a pretty jug and glasses. They're bound to have what we want there!

Sophie arrived home feeling very tired, so we both relaxed on the sofa this evening, but when Keith cooked dinner I sat in the kitchen with him, to keep him company. He cooked a delicious curry that was perfect for such a chilly night!

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