Saturday 6 November 2021

Lazy Saturday!

Today has been a very quiet day, and Sophie and I haven't moved from the house at all! I had a real craving for pancakes this morning so Keith made me a couple and they were delicious. Sophie and I even managed to watch Saturday Morning Kitchen, which was great!

It was bliss to mooch about the house and not feel we had to be anywhere. Just like a proper weekend should be! Sophie did a workout and we did do lots of laundry so it wasn't all lazy! In the afternoon I went out to the garage and hoovered up all the leaves that had blown in (we keep the door ajar at night in case the hedgehog goes in there), and I sorted out the recycling ready to take to Tesco next week. Our recycling programme is winding down now, and it will be easier for me to take the pet food pouches to the supermarket.

Keith went to see Sileby play, Sophie hoovered, and by 4pm the house was warm and cosy. I had a long soak in the bath and relaxed. What made today even better was that dinner was a Chinese takeaway, and it was being delivered! Pure decadence!

Keith returned home from the football looking cold, so it was definitely time to put the heating on, make a Vodka martini and play Scrabble. We had a bit of a bicker about the meal - I wanted to have the set menu for three for a change, as we always have the same old thing, and after a bit of debate, Keith and Sophie agreed with me. 

When the food arrived at 7.30pm there was loads of it, so we're going to have it again for dinner tomorrow! We are taking Mum to Rushden Lakes tomorrow and we'll pop into the food hall in M&S and buy some accompaniments to pad it out. There was no way we were going to waste it!

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