Thursday 11 November 2021

No jab!

Keith and I went shopping quite late this morning, after a sleepy start to the day. I wandered around the aisles for ages in Aldi, looking at the special offers and all the Christmas products. It was lovely to have time to look and not have to rush about!

We didn't get home until almost 1pm and after putting all the shopping away and having lunch, we drove over to Moulton Park to see if I could have my booster jab. The way I understood it was that we could go five months after having the second injection, but I was very much mistaken! We could book the jab after five months, so I was turned away by a very scary woman steward and told to go and book at home. I didn't want to argue with her!

Back home I booked the booster and will be going on the 1 December. I wanted to have the third jab before we went to Mallorca so I've got my wish! Once that was all sorted I put a colour on my hair as the roots were seriously grey, and lounged about while I waited for it to take. At least that's another job ticked off the list!

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