Friday 26 November 2021


Both Sophie and I woke up with a headache this morning, and we wondered whether it was the soy sauce we put into last night's meal? Sophie went off to the gym, and another class (Pilates) while I had a coffee and got ready for work.

I was hoping for another quiet Friday to end the week, and I got my wish! Only Kathy, Sheila and I were in the office, and the phones weren't too busy thank goodness. I had another tranche of films to put on, so now we're done up until the 6 January.

At 4pm I sped home and helped Sophie make the house ready for Sue and Michelle. We prepared all the food (and there were lots!) and lit all the tea lights. Sophie had set the table, cleaned the conservatory and mopped the kitchen floor so everything looked lovely. It was the first time that both women had seen the kitchen properly, and Michelle couldn't get over what we'd had done! She said she felt disorientated as the kitchen was so different!

Sue had also bought a bottle of Champagne, and a gorgeous chocolate cake so we had plenty to eat and drink. I put a Youtube video of a crackling fire on the computer and Sophie played a recording of rain on Alexa. Outside it grew increasingly stormy and at one point the rain turned to sleet and snow! It was lovely to sit and have a really good natter, as it had been so long since we'd caught up with each other. Luckily, the heater kept us warm as outside it was truly freezing!

Keith had driven himself to the pub and came home at 7.30pm to raid our table! He took himself off to the living room and watched television, only coming back out to help himself to cheese and biscuits.

Sue left first and got a taxi home, and Michelle left at about 11pm. Sophie and I stacked the dishwasher and went to bed, as we were both shattered. It had been a long, but enjoyable day!

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