Sunday 4 April 2021

Sunday sunshine!

Day 90

Today has been beautiful, and so sunny and warm we sat in the garden for most of the afternoon! I didn't think it was going to be like this, so it was an unexpected bonus!

Sophie did all the preparations for dinner this morning, and soon the house was smelling of roasted coconut, in readiness for our Malaysian curry this evening. While she did that I hoovered downstairs and did a light clean, but the weather was pulling me outside! 

I went out and raked up the remainder of the branches from the Virginia creeper, and also raked up lots of leaves. I then pottered about, making a little "pond" for the birds with a large plastic tub and filling it with some pebbles. Sophie came out to join me and did a yoga session on a towel on the lawn. Monty, of course, thought this was for him and promptly sat on it, impeding Sophie's movements!

The robin was out with us a lot of the time, singing his little heart out in the trees, and watching us carefully in case we unearthed any worms! It was wonderful to sit with the sun on our faces and feel the warmth. The forecast is still set to be very cold tomorrow, so this is obviously just a brief interlude!

Towards the late afternoon, we started Sophie's birthday celebrations. She opened the bottle of Taittinger I'd bought her for Christmas, and we had a glass while playing Scrabble.

We also nibbled on some cheesy crackers, mozzarella, olives, stuffed peppers and feta cheese.

Just after we started our second game of Scrabble (Sophie beat Keith and me the first time) we decided to begin cooking dinner. We assembled all the ingredients and then the curry needed to be simmered for about forty minutes. Unfortunately, even after leaving the casserole dish on the hob for about ten minutes, the bottom caught and burnt a bit. We transferred it to a small gas ring and turned it right down, but Sophie was upset that the bottom was a bit black. It still tasted lovely, but in future, we'll stay with it and not get distracted by Scrabble!

After eating we watched Spectre and enjoyed the chocolate bread and butter pudding I'd made yesterday. It was gooey and delicious!

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