Monday 12 April 2021

A manic day!

Today gyms, non-essential shops, beauty salons, hairdressers and outdoor attractions have reopened. Pubs, cafes and restaurants can open but only serve food and drink outside. Things are slowly starting to get back to normal, but I do remember this happening last year! However, the difference is that we have the vaccine now, which I hope will make a difference.

Our phone lines were back open at work, and we were all a little apprehensive about how busy we'd be. When I walked into the office, the wallboard was already lit up with calls, which didn't bode well! At 10am, it was like the floodgates opened, and within minutes we had about 50 calls waiting in the queue. Although three of us were answering the phones, and Sara also stepped in to help, we never got to the end of them... at all. There was not one minute when we didn't have a call waiting, so it was hard work.

Most of the calls were about swimming sessions, swimming lessons and I enrolled several ex-members who were desperate to join again. One conversation with a woman who was asking about swimming lessons for her three children took me over half an hour to deal with. She wanted to know the ins and outs of everything, and had barely asked one question before moving on to the next!

I estimate we had over 300 abandoned calls (where the caller hangs up before we answer) and I dread to think how many we took between us because the wallboard went down and reset itself halfway through the morning. It just proves my point that throughout lockdown we should have had at least one person in the office answering calls, even if it was for just a couple of hours.

At 4pm we turned the phones off, and breathed a sigh of relief that it was over! We'd each had to take ten minutes off to have some lunch otherwise we wouldn't have eaten anything all day! It's quite difficult talking to a customer and munching on a sandwich!

I sped home in the lovely sunshine and managed to do an hour of housework before Sophie came home from work. She'd had quite a stressful day as well, so it was lovely to relax before we prepared dinner. Keith had chopped up vegetables and chicken for our fajitas so we didn't have a lot to do. As he had cooked Saturday and Sunday, I think he deserved a night off!

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