Monday 19 April 2021

Back to earth with a bump...

I was back at work this morning, working from 10am until 4pm. Keith drove me in because I was still a bit worried about driving my car with the terrible noise! Three of us were manning the phones and I think we were all hoping for a quieter day!

It certainly didn't start off quiet, and we had the usual run of swimming enquiries, but today at least I did take some different calls! I was enjoying work up until about 11am when it all went a bit pear-shaped. One of my colleagues kept logging off the phones, and as Kathy was also off and trying to catch up with her work, I found myself taking call after call on my own! I also had a run-in with Sheila about something I'd said to a customer that apparently was wrong (how I was supposed to know that it was wrong was a mystery) so by lunchtime I was thoroughly fed-up!

Just lately I seem to be getting irritated with a lot of things! Perhaps it's just getting older, or perhaps people are more thoughtless these days? Who knows? One of the girls that used to work with us popped in with her new baby, and the whole office just stopped! I like babies but I prefer children when they're a bit older, so I declined a cuddle and found I was (again) the only one answering the phones! The noise level increased as they all chatted and laughed, and I was annoyed at myself for being annoyed!

It was a relief when 4pm came, and I escaped into the beautiful warm sunshine. Keith was waiting for me, and when we returned home we sat in the garden with Monty for half an hour. I gradually felt all the minor irritations of the day melt away as the sun warmed us up! Looking back now, I sound a bit petty about all the little niggles, and I'm hoping tomorrow will be better! Maybe I'm paying for the lovely day I had yesterday!

Dinner this evening was a delicious beef pie served with veggies, and after we'd eaten Sophie and I went upstairs to watch Four in a Bed and enjoy a facemask. We have yet to re-book our facial, but we must try and do it soon. Oh, and arrange to get our hair cut!

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