Saturday 3 April 2021

A little joke...

Day 89

Keith and I both urged Sophie to wear something warm today as it's been cold and grey for most of the time. She had high hopes that it would warm up, though, and wore a pretty dress with her suede jacket, tights and boots. We dropped her down at the station at about 8.30am, due to there only being two trains this morning, and the later one wouldn't get to Euston until lunchtime.

We returned home, and after breakfast, I made a chocolate bread and butter pudding for tomorrow evening's dessert. The grey gloom did lift in the afternoon and the sun came out, and at 3.30pm I was back at the care home and facing another test so I could sit with my parents for half an hour. At least this time I knew what to expect and how to complete the test!

Unfortunately, it wasn't the best meeting I've had with them both, as my Mum was obviously still not happy about living in the care home, and although I tried to lighten the conversation a bit, it was hard work. I can't imagine how she must feel, but I don't have any answers at the moment. Hopefully, when things return to normal I can take her out regularly and we can take some of her furniture into their rooms.

As a kind of belated April Fool's joke, I showed them a photo of Sophie on my phone, saying she'd had some cosmetic work done to her face:

The look of horror on their faces was priceless, and I let them believe she'd actually had work done to her lips and fillers in her cheeks! However, she had used an app on her phone to make her look like she'd had the work done, and I think they were mightily relieved when I revealed it was just a joke! I do find it incredible that some people go to these extremes, though!

Back home I mooched about feeling a bit down after the meeting with my parents, and Sophie texted me to say she was getting the 5.30pm train home, which meant she'd be back into Northampton at 7pm. We went to get her, and I was relieved when she was home. She'd had a good day but had felt cold, and was disappointed that at Borough Market there was nowhere to sit and eat outside as all the benches had been removed. She had received lots of gifts from Zain, though, and they'd had some delicious things to eat so it wasn't all bad.

We sat and relaxed with a drink, and then had a light evening meal of cold meats, salad and new potatoes. It was too late to watch a film after we'd eaten so we had a gradual wind-down until bedtime!

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