Wednesday 18 November 2020

Return of the leaves...

Day 14

After a bad night's sleep, I woke this morning feeling yukky, with a dull headache that lasted until lunchtime. I was very glad I wasn't at work, so it was a relief to ease myself into the day! Keith and I did something we rarely do - we watched television first thing and caught up with I'm A Celebrity! as Keith was too tired to watch it last night.

Although I felt a bit off, I did change our bedding, and at 1pm Sophie and I went for a walk to the village, which helped me feel a lot better. The weather today has been dismal and grey, with a cold wind blowing (from the north, apparently). I swept up all the leaves from the back door, but within an hour another load had gathered! Why I bother, I'll never know, but they blow in through the door and get trodden everywhere. I wonder, over the millions (billions?) of years how many leaves have fallen? It's mind-boggling!

Our one trip out today was to collect Mike from work, and then it was home to put fresh bedding on. Keith helped me which was a great bonus! It was heaven to have a soak in the bath, and then while Keith cooked a spicy curry for dinner, I watched the first episode of Surviving the Stone Age, which was very interesting. All the people taking part were survival experts, but they still failed to catch any fish from the lake they'd camped by!

After dinner, Keith disappeared upstairs to watch England play Iceland, while Sophie and I relaxed downstairs. Neither of us was in the mood to watch another episode of The Plague, so we had a lighthearted hour watching I'm A Celebrity! Some of the trials were truly disgusting, but it took our minds off our worries for a little while!

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