Wednesday 25 November 2020

A very grey day...

Day 21

The weather today has been truly awful with dark grey skies, rain and a chill wind. It's been the very worst of November weather!

Keith and I ventured out to get the newspaper from Brixworth, and then we returned home where I cleaned the downstairs of the house. I am getting a bit fed up of cleaning now! I find it such a demoralising task, because it doesn't last very long, and I have to do it all again! However, when it is done, the house looks lovely!

As the weather was horrible, Sophie and I didn't venture out for a walk at lunchtime, but looking at the forecast it's set to get colder tonight with clear skies tomorrow. 

Dinner this evening was chicken tacos, and Keith helped Sophie prepare the meal while I caught up on a documentary about how the discovery and use of fire transformed humans. I suppose this is why we all love a real fire - it goes back to the very heart of our existence when we needed it for warmth and cooking, and also keeping away fierce animals!

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