Monday 2 November 2020

It's not Pointless...yet!

I really didn't know what to expect this morning at work, but was praying we wouldn't have a repeat of what happened back in March when we were flooded with people either cancelling or freezing their memberships.

Before going to work I cleared away drifts of leaves which had gathered around our back door. Looking over at Vince and Sue's door, they had none! I also made an appointment to see my parents tomorrow afternoon as it will be the last time for a month, and it's my Mum's birthday next Monday. Sadly, it will be the first time I have never gone out with her for a meal or afternoon tea, but even if she was still living at home, we wouldn't be able to go out or even meet. I had watched a video on Facebook of the carers celebrating Halloween on Saturday, and she was having a great time, so that's some consolation.

At work, I learnt that we didn't have masses of emails and that yesterday had been fine, so that was a relief! The calls started off by being busy, but that seems to be the pattern now. We did have a few people cancelling classes or swim sessions for later in the week, but not that many anxious calls about memberships. Our management team were in the midst of a meeting, and we awaited their announcement later in the day.

The calls tailed off by late morning, and I made a start on putting on the activities for the children, both during the day and after school. I put them on until Easter, and I was really hoping it wouldn't be a waste of time!

Because I was busy, the time flew and at 4pm I sped home to see what had happened at Mike's place of work as golf courses are to be closed as well. He didn't really have a lot of information, but Sophie said she couldn't go into her office for the foreseeable future, which was a shame as she looked forward to her one day a week to dress up a bit.

I had a lovely soak in the bath, and Keith said that tonight's episode of Pointless was the one before the one we saw back in January! We both recognised two couples who went out and came back for the first one we watched at Elstree! So tomorrow and Wednesday should be the episodes we saw! How long ago it seems!

Keith cooked a delicious cottage pie for dinner and then we were delighted to discover that The Fall is now available for download on the BBC! We caught up with an episode to celebrate!

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