Friday 13 November 2020

A quiet end to the week.

 Day 9

This week has gone extraordinarily fast! In fact, this whole year has whizzed by and looking back, it feels like there's been a gaping hole when we were in lockdown, and when our lives were put on hold.

Today has been quiet again. I hurt my right arm last week cutting down the conifers in the front garden, so today, even though it was beautiful weather, and there were lots of jobs to be done in the garden, Keith and I decided to have a day off and give my arm a rest. I sat in the conservatory with Sophie in the morning and read a few chapters of a very interesting book about the Irish Potato Famine between 1845 and 1851. I think some of my ancestors came over at about the time so it was enlightening to read about the events leading up to the famine and the history of the Irish people in general.

For the rest of the day, we did very little, although I did put the hoover around and tidy up. In the afternoon, Sophie had a "Murder Mystery" meeting with her new work colleagues, with a Harry Potter theme. At least it gave her the chance to dress up and put some make-up on with her character in mind!

Dinner this evening was baked potatoes, so it gave us the chance to sit and play Scrabble. Sophie bemoaned the fact that she wasn't good at it, but she won this evening!

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