Thursday 5 November 2020

Lockdown starts

Day 1

I could have had a lie-in this morning as Sophie can't go to the gym but I was awake at 6am, probably due to the alarm going off at 5am! Mike is still working because, although the golf club is closed, they will still have to maintain the grounds. Keith was hoping that they wouldn't have to start at 6am, though! Mike has to work some extra hours because for the last few days they haven't been able to do anything due to the huge numbers of people playing a last round of golf before the restrictions kick in!

It's been a beautiful day today with blue skies and plenty of Autumnal sunshine. It felt bizarre not having to go to work, but this time I am determined to use the time to relax a bit, watch films and read a lot. The last lockdown was spent looking after my parents, and in-between, doing a lot of housework and decorating!

Over breakfast, I finished off the shopping list, and we decided what meals to have over the next few days. We are going to keep Keith at home during lockdown to be safe, so it will be down to me to go and get the shopping. I set off at 11am and drove to Aldi first where I went up and down the aisles several times looking for the things we needed! The store is brand new, so everything has changed, and despite making a quick visit the other day, I still hadn't a clue where anything was! Luckily, it was quiet!

I filled the trolley, which came to an amazing £60, including beer and wine, and drove over to Tesco where it was a bit busier. My small trolley was only half-full but the bill in there came to £50, and no alcohol this time! 

After getting some diesel for my ever thirsty car I headed home where I was met on the drive by Sophie and Keith who helped me unload it all and put it away. I then spent an hour sorting out paperwork and emailing Harborough Kitchens about their quote. Les had called Keith the other day to say the price for the kitchen (cabinetry, worktops, sink and taps, extractor and installation) was £25430, not including VAT. That would then take the price up to £30,000, and then we would have to pay for the building work, appliances, flooring, new lighting, new window and tiling. We wouldn't get much change out of £40,000, which was far more than we had budgeted for! I was very disappointed but had been half-expecting the cost to be high. It's back to the drawing board, then!

Keith and I went to get Mike at 3pm and we had to squeeze our way through lines of parked cars of parents waiting to pick up their children from nearby schools. I hope Mike's hours go back to normal soon!

Back home it was time for a hot bath, and a snooze on the bed while watching the news. The US elections are still not over, but it looks likely that the outcome will be very close indeed!

Although it's bonfire night, there will be no fireworks for us this year, which is a huge shame. I did hear some going off at a neighbouring house but they were very short-lived. I did contemplate buying some and setting them off in the garden, but I chickened out at the last minute! Memories of when I set one off years ago, and it was upside down, still haunt me! 

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