Sunday 30 August 2020

Sunday pootle!

As usual for a day when I didn't have to get up, I was awake early! I kept watch for horses again but we had no four-hoofed visitors, which was a relief! Sophie had another lovely lie-in!

The idea today was to pootle about at home and catch up with things. Keith went off to get the Sunday papers while Sophie and I made beans on toast with some bread we bought at Farndon Fields yesterday. It was a seeded bread and the kind that tastes much better toasted and covered in juicy beans!

After breakfast I went out and tackled the back garden. At first I though I was being foolish as the grass was long... and wet! However, I persevered and soon it was looking a lot better. With all the rain we've had lately, it has really grown. I tided up the plants and put out some food for the birds but we've run out of fat snax and peanuts so I said to Sophie about going to Riverside this afternoon.

The weather has stayed dry today and we've had a mixed bag of sunshine and clouds. It's still on the chilly side, though! Sophie went to the gym while I cut the front verge and hoed the border. It looked lovely when I'd finished and the grass seed I put down a while ago has definitely sprouted, filling in the bare patches very well.

After Sophie arrived home and we had showers, we set off for Riverside and my naughty daughter suggested a McDonalds... I can't remember the last time we had a meal from there... was it this year? I would normally have said no, but breakfast was a long time ago so we went and ordered a burger and some chicken tenders. I was hesitant about going inside so we chose the drive-thru and encountered a horrible man who was adamant I wasn't going in front of him even though it was my turn. Why they have two lanes for cars is beyond me... I was hoping that throughout this pandemic people would be nicer to each other, but sadly that hasn't happened. Kindness and thoughtfulness are as much in short supply as ever.

We drove over to the other side of the car park and munched on our meals before walking to Wilko's where I bought loads more bird food. The numbers coming into the garden has lessened a bit but they do love the fat snax hanging up, especially the hordes of sparrows!

We popped briefly into Homebase as this morning I lost our pair of secateurs (I wish I knew where I'd put them!) but they were just about to close so we headed home to relax.

Dinner this evening was the chicken Kiev we should have had yesterday and I helped Keith prepare the meal. We also had Gratin Dauphinois as a change and the meal was lovely and very garlicky!

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