Friday 21 August 2020

Storm Ellen

I was very glad that today was Friday as it's been a hectic week! I was in at 8am and I knew we were going to have issues when the first few calls were about our online booking system... it turns out some bright spark decided to fiddle about with the booking buttons and change them to something completely unrelated to what people were trying to book, so we were flooded with calls from people saying they could only book a badminton court and nothing else! It was extremely annoying!

If I'd had £1 for every call I received about this issue I would be able to have a very good weekend, so you can imagine how many people we had moaning on the phone! By 1pm both Kathy and I were more than ready to go home! Thank goodness it's the weekend!

I sped home and five minutes after getting back we had a kitchen designer from Howdens arrive. We had a chat with her, told her what we'd like to do and she measured up and asked us lots of questions about what kind of oven, hob, worktop, flooring, sink, taps, etc we wanted. She will then go away, design a 3D plan of our new kitchen and we'll go from there.

Today the UK has been affected by Storm Ellen and we've had high winds and heavy rain showers. There are leaves all around our back door but on the roads there were branches down complete with green leaves, which looks a bit strange as we don't usually have strong winds at this time of the year!

We picked up Mike, who had finished early again, and returned home where I had a nap. I felt very weary, for some reason! My driving duties weren't over, though, as Mike wanted a lift into town and it was a real pain battling through the Friday evening rush hour traffic!

Keith also wanted a lift to the pub because the skies were turning very stormy again and he didn't want to be caught out in a shower. Sophie and I dropped him off, negotiating the irritating road closures in Walgrave that are still on, and returned home to relax and have a chat about our day.

Dinner tonight was very easy - jacket potatoes with salad and various fillings - so we had more than enough time to enjoy a glass of The Ned Pinot Gris and look forward to the weekend!

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