Tuesday 25 August 2020

Storm Francis.

I awoke this morning to the sound of heavy rain - Storm Francis has arrived! This storm is from the 2019-2020 season and is very unusual for this time of year.

Sophie texted me from the gym to say the roads on the way were very waterlogged and an hour later, when Keith took me to work, they were probably worse.

I was working with Jo this morning and we were hectically busy. The phone calls were virtually non-stop giving us very little time to do anything else in between. At 12pm Denise came in so I was able to go off the phones and help Sara with the emails. We had over 80 in the inbox! Hopefully, one day we'll all look back on this and laugh...

Keith picked me up at 2pm and said that Mike was at home as there was very little he could do at work because of the heavy rain. By now, the rain had cleared away, though, but the wind was growing stronger.

I spent the afternoon pootling about and listening to the wind outside. Our poor plants were being buffeted every which way and the letterbox was flapping like mad! I told Sophie to be careful driving home in case there were fallen branches on the road.

We sat and played cards in the conservatory before our dinner of beef curry and it was very pleasant indeed. We haven't sat outside very much this summer and thinking about it, I do prefer sitting in the conservatory as it feels like we're outside anyway, but protected from the elements!

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