Sunday 9 August 2020

Hot work!

Keith and I had joked about going to Whitby today but in reality we stayed at home and got on with lots of jobs that needed doing!

I changed our bedding and did loads of laundry, and also did some work on the sale of Mum and Dad's house. It's been another warm day with no sign of the temperatures going down at all. I did think the other day, that July tends to be the hottest month, but August is certainly excelling itself this year!

As well as doing loads of laundry I made a courgette and chocolate cake:

I used two large courgettes ( a neighbour had given us lots) and grated them before adding them to the flour, cocoa powder, eggs and oil. It made the cake very moist! A slice was delicious with a cup of tea mid-afternoon!

Keith thinks he broke one of his little toes last night when he came to bed. He said he stubbed his toe not only on the table in the living room, but also on the bed. This morning it resembled a little purple sausage. I sent a pic to show Sophie but will spare you the gory details!

I had a very tepid bath late afternoon and Keith barbecued in the evening. He cooked burgers, sausages and lamb chops and I made a salad and cooked some new potatoes. It was delicious and perfect for such a hot evening!

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