Friday 31 January 2020

We leave Europe...

My shift at work passed pleasantly enough today and I was very glad when it was 2pm and the working week was over!

At home I pootled about doing jobs and at about 4.30pm decided to have a walk for half an hour. As usual, Monty refused to come with me but stayed on the drive, miaowing at me as I passed him on my second lap! The weather was grey and horrible and I can't wait to be walking around estate in the Spring sunshine!

I drove Keith down to the pub this evening and as soon as I was back it was time to open a bottle of wine and nibble on a few crisps while we relaxed and watched Alfred Hitchcock's "Spellbound". I managed to spot the director coming out of a hotel lift! The film was very good, especially the facial expressions of Gregory Peck and we both enjoyed watching it.

Dinner tonight was quiche and potato wedges and Keith suggested staying up until 11pm to see the  Brexit celebrations. I agreed but by 10pm I was flagging! I fell asleep in bed so missed out on the moment when the clock counted down the minutes. Well, that's it! We've left and I just hope we made the right decision!

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