Tuesday 28 January 2020

A sunny walk

Thankfully, work was much quieter this morning and I had a pleasant shift with Joanne. Mum and Dad came to see the film 1917 at about 10am and when I went out to see them, they'd bought some chocolates in for the girls in the office to say thanks for helping them out the other week with a query.

At 2pm I decided to take my car through the car wash at the garage as it is absolutely filthy and every time we get in or out we get dirty ourselves! It looked lovely and shiny afterwards but I still need to hoover out the inside.

Back home Keith was all ready for our daily walk around the estate so we went off and chatted to several neighbours - good exercise and good socially! The weather has been beautiful today with cloudless blue skies and sunshine but there's been a bitterly cold wind blowing.

Back home I caught up with little chores that needed doing and awaited Sophie's return from work. "Cut-throat alley" had been closed in Holcot for roadworks so I warned her not to go through the village - the crossroads that we avoid by using the narrow alley is horrendous in the rush hour traffic so she went through Hannington instead.

No drink again tonight - it does get easier every day!

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