Friday 10 January 2020

A sociable walk!

As always on a Friday morning, I was mightily glad it was the last day of the working week! I took myself off to work and had an uneventful shift, although it did go a bit mad in the last hour!

Back home I pottered about doing little jobs and then went for a walk around the estate. On my second lap I was pounced on by one of the ROAR! ladies who had a bag of Tassimo pods for me. I then spotted Ruth who runs the group and she gave me the most enormous bag of pet food pouches! We stood and chatted for a while and I said I would help out with the next sort if she moved the time a bit later in the afternoon. Ruth said that ROAR! has now raised over £100 for our charities so that was brilliant news, as well as all the plastic we have diverted from landfill!

I staggered home with the bags and did a quick sort of my own in the garage - I had told Keith I'd only be out for about twenty minutes but I was probably gone for more like an hour! I had also had a quick chat with Lynn and given her a big bag of crisp and snack wrappers and some loaf bags, so it was a very fruitful walk! She had pointed out all the little green shoots coming through from the bulbs we'd donated for the green so it'll be great to see the flowers in the Spring. Bring it on!

Keith walked to the pub tonight and Sophie and I had a glass of wine and prepared the dinner which didn't take a lot of effort as it was baked potatoes!

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