Thursday 30 January 2020

Grey and miserable!

Keith took me to work this morning and I have to say it does feel a little bit lighter in the mornings! I can't wait for it to be sunny when Sophie leaves at about 6am!

There was a possibility I would be working late today as people were coming down with colds and the two women that work in the afternoon were both affected. However, they came in so I was able to leave at my usual time of 3pm.

At home I felt cold and weary and had a much needed cup of tea and a couple of biscuits. It was that kind of day as outside was grey and miserable! I did sort out the recycling in the garage and took a bag of snack and crisp wrappers and some loaf bags up to Lynn's bin. She arrived home just as I got to her house so we had a chat about all the things she's doing for the village at the moment. It's a good job she's retired!

When Sophie arrived home she was a bit low as well so I suggested a walk around the estate. After twenty minutes of brisk exercise we both felt better! Although it's milder at the moment, the wind was still cold!

Dinner tonight was another healthy choice - baked chicken with asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots served with yesterday's leftover potatoes, which we pan fried in a small amount of olive oil. Delicious!

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