Thursday 31 October 2019

Quiet Halloween...

Keith took me to work today as he felt a little better and was going to do our weekly shop. At 3pm he picked me up and we sped home where I arranged the pumpkins outside the front door and lit some candles on the windowsill.

Today has been a real Halloweeny sort of day with a stiff breeze that has loosened a lot of Autumnal leaves. I lit the candles in the pumpkins when it got dark and we awaited (hopefully) hordes of little witches and wizards.

We had four lots of trick or treaters so not as many as previous years and I do wonder whether next year we will carry on. A lot of houses around us were in darkness, which was a shame and this year's Halloween has certainly not been as busy as a few years ago when we had masses of children knock on the door. Maybe it's because it's been half-term here and people have gone away?

Keith cooked a delicious chicken pie for dinner and we had one last knock on the door, which Mike answered. They were older children so I was glad he went!

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