Friday 11 October 2019

Over the moon!

I was very glad today was Friday and I was looking forward to a quiet weekend. Sophie is off to Woburn tomorrow with Daisy and Laura and I had plans to catch up with some housework and relax.

The weather today has been horrible with drizzly rain and nasty grey skies. After work I went to Waitrose to buy some non-alcoholic wine, as we are off to Paul's house tomorrow for a meal. I was delighted to see my old friend Ann, who works in the wine department, and we had a good chat about her recent trip to Australia where she went onto the Neighbours set. She steered me in the direction of the non-alcoholic wines, of which there were very few. I chose a German white to drink tomorrow night and bought some chocolates for Sharon who I assume will be hosting with Paul.

Back home, the men were just finishing up and I was over the moon with the tiling that had been done. They'd put a silver strip along the top to finish it off and already I could see how better they were than the men who had installed our en-suite...

They have tiled more than we asked them to and will do half of an additional wall so Keith and I have to go to Wickes tomorrow and buy three more boxes of tiles. They are now back at their original price so it will cost us £60 but it looked so lovely I didn't care.

They departed and tidied up after themselves so I am very pleased with their work. No wonder they came so highly recommended!

Keith drove himself to the pub tonight as he's not drinking and Sophie and I caught up with an episode of Celebrity Masterchef. We are three programmes behind and it's the final tonight!

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