Thursday 7 September 2017

Weather matters

The news here is full of Hurricane Irma at the moment and we are watching the path of the storm very carefully. It only seems like a few days ago we were in the Keys and I just hope that Irma doesn't cause too much devastation. When we were in Florida I downloaded an app to my phone that tracks storms and although there were a couple out in the Atlantic that could have developed, we were lucky to escape bad weather. It must be terrifying to see it heading towards your home and not be able to do anything about it.

We had a busy morning as I had to take my car into the garage to have the rear windscreen wiper fixed. We then drove over to Guilsborough as Sophie had a doctor's appointment. When she arrived she was told her normal doctor was off sick but the lady that stood in was very friendly and helpful and lived in our village so we had a great chat.

As it's Thursday, we also went off to do the weekly shop and the sun came out, making it very pleasant and warm. By the time we'd got home, though, and put all the shopping away, it had clouded over again so plans for sitting in the garden with Monty had to be abandoned.

Keith dropped me off at the school again and I had a chat with Lisa about taking the children up to the playing fields. She had had the same thought and needed to get consent forms out for us to take them. They can run about to their heart's content then!

Keith and Sophie came to meet me again and we had a pleasant walk home although it did feel a bit chillier and I'm sure I felt a few drops of rain!

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