Friday 15 September 2017

Killing time...

Sophie started work at 10.30am this morning, but Mike was at college at 9.30am so to kill an hour we went to Costa in Kingsthorpe and enjoyed a coffee and pastry. This is starting to become a very frequent habit!

Back home Keith and I pottered about until it was time for me to start work at 3pm. It was film night again and this afternoon the children enjoyed The Boss Baby. I don't really concentrate on the film as I'm making sure the children are behaving and helping Lisa with drinks and popcorn, but this particular movie looked very silly. The children seemed to enjoy it, though, which is all that matters!

It's been another day of sunshine and showers and it feels more like April than November! After the film we all went outside and it was great to be able to make the most of the daylight - in another month, we'll really notice the nights drawing in.

Mike came with me to collect Sophie from work as he was off to see friends in Northampton. He was going to walk from Moulton into the town and had an umbrella with him. He was told by Sophie NOT to lose it as it was one of our Berlin umbrellas with sentimental value!

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