Tuesday 5 September 2017

New job!

I was a little nervous today as I was due to start my new job this afternoon - looking after children who attend the after-school club at the local school! I'll be working three hours a day from Monday to Friday and although it's not really what I had in mind, I'll enjoy working with children again.

This morning we went to Tesco to do some shopping and on our return I knuckled down and cleaned upstairs which was badly in need of doing as the spiders had been spinning their webs again! The good thing is that at least most of my day is free, but I will have to look for another part-time job as the school work certainly won't be enough for me to live on.

The plan was to walk to the school with Keith and Sophie but Mike wanted to go and see his friends so we dropped him off and then Keith drove me to school. I met Lisa again and she explained what was happening and we met the children who were attending. It was quite difficult as she hadn't been given exact numbers so we had to "wing" it today and see how many turned up!

All the children were lovely and ranged in age from about 7 years up to 10 years. I had forgotten how my two were at these ages and it did bring back some memories of seeing them in their school uniform!

Thankfully, the weather was lovely and dry and we were able to spend all the time outside in the playground. Keith and Sophie came to meet me and we walked home, which was very pleasant! I'm not so sure I'll be fond of doing this in November and December, though, when it's freezing cold and raining hard!

Keith went out in the evening to see Sileby play, and as Mike was still out at a friend's house, Sophie and I had a girls' night in. We ate Hunter's Chicken with crispy potatoes and had a tipple or two. Perfect!

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