Monday 11 September 2017

Making slime!

It was well and truly back to reality today when we woke Mike up at 7am so he could get ready for college! Luckily, he was starting slightly later than normal, at 9.30am, so we missed most of the school traffic, which was a bonus!

After we dropped him off Keith and I went to the Weston Favell Centre and did some shopping for the rest of the week. We then sped home as I wanted to accompany Sophie on her driving lesson at 10.30am but I was not allowed to! Because of the insurance! Anyway, he told me that Sophie was doing well and that it wouldn't be long until she was ready to take her driving test, which currently has an eight week waiting list.

At the school, in the afternoon, the plan was to "make slime". Lisa had bought lots of ingredients to make it - shaving foam, contact lens solution, baking powder, glue and food colouring. We set up a table and covered it with an oilcloth and gave them bowls and spoons to mix it all up. Chaos reigned as they all grabbed at the ingredients and attempted to make slime! Well, I've never seen such a mess when they finished, and unfortunately it hadn't turned to slime! Just a pink goo that went everywhere...and I mean everywhere! It was all over the floor, the carpeted areas outside the hall, the children themselves and me! Lisa cleared up while I took the children outside and then it began to rain and really pelt it down so it was back inside for a game of Snap!

Keith and Sophie came to pick me up as walking was out of the question today. As well as the heavy rain showers we've been experiencing Keith has a bad cold, plus my car is still at the garage. The rear windscreen wiper has been sorted but they rang just as I was about to leave so I told them I would have to collect it tomorrow.

It was bliss to get home to my quiet house and sip a glass of red wine while a sniffly Keith made dinner!

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