Sunday 3 September 2017

A short walk

Today dawned overcast and grey and after dropping Mike off at work, we parked Keith's car near Pitsford and walked home through the nature reserve. It was perfect weather for walking - cool and cloudy - but it would have been nice to have seen some sun and blue sky! There was really no point me taking any photos as the pics would have been fifty shades of grey and brown!

Already, lots of leaves were lying on the ground and more were falling as we walked. There was a real Autumnal smell going on as well! We didn't see one animal today and not even any birds, so the woods were very quiet. It did feel good to be out, though, and I can't remember the last time I went out for a walk. I'm not sure I will achieve my goal of walking around both sides of the reservoir this year, but I can still hope!

After showering Sophie and I popped into her work so she could input her hours on the computer and then we drove to Mum and Dad's, stopping to buy a couple of cakes on the way to go with a cup of tea. We had a lovely chat with them and then drove home via the scenic route.

After picking Mike up from work, it was home to enjoy a drink and I opened the Black Cow vodka that the guys from the wine shop bought me. It was delicious!

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