Thursday 28 September 2017

A long chinwag!

We had a bit of a technical hitch this morning as Keith, unbeknown to me, decided to print off his car insurance documents and Sophie tried (unsuccessfully) to order an eyeshadow palette online, which proved to be far too popular for the website!

While Keith's documents were churning out (he really only needed to print out the certificate and there was no hurry for that anyway) Sophie lost her cool with the online website, which made for a fraught start to the day!

I was meeting my friend Gill from CAB at 11am, so I dropped a still grumbling Sophie off at work and drove to the Weston Favell Centre to do some shopping before it was time to catch up. We enjoyed a coffee and chatted for three hours! Three hours! When she told me what the time was I was horrified because a new four hour restriction has been introduced and I didn't want to get a parking ticket!

I sped off to get Sophie who very kindly made me a toasted sandwich for my lunch and then we dashed home so I could start work at 3pm. It's been another gorgeous day and walking up to the school was really warm. Summer is not finished with us yet!

Like yesterday we spent a lot of time outdoors - we might as well make the most of it before the days grow shorter. Sophie and Keith walked to meet me again and we went home to sit in the conservatory with a game of cards and a glass of wine. Bliss!

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