Friday 8 September 2017

Film night!

We had to pop to the Weston Favell centre today as Sophie had some leggings to take back to New Look and we had some money to pay into Mike's account. We throw all of our copper and 5p pieces into an old piggy bank for him and it mounts up quite nicely every couple of months!

My car wasn't ready today so I went to pick it up just before I started work at 3pm. The mechanics were waiting for a small part to be delivered so I'll have to return it on Monday. The rear windscreen wiper had been taken off but the washer nozzle still remained and it shot out a long jet of water...that would be useful to do if a cyclist annoyed me over the weekend!

At the after school club it was film night and most of the usual children we look after don't attend. We still had twelve children though (whose parents had paid £6 for them to stay) and they all trooped in when the bell went and settled themselves down on the mats in front of the screen. Lisa buys popcorn for them and hot dogs to enjoy half way through. We never had anything like this when I was at school!

We watched The Smurfs and when it had finished they were all able to go out and play as the weather had cleared up a bit and the heavy rain had stopped. They tore about while Lisa and I kept an eye on them and one by one the parents arrived to pick them up.

I'd driven today so after the session was over, I walked down to the pub and collected my car. I did pop my head into the pub to see if Keith was there but he was absent. However, within a minute of getting in the car I met him and we had a chat before I sped home.

Sophie and I were going to watch Steel Magnolias but I had to go and collect Mike from Brixworth and then go out and get fish and chips for dinner so we abandoned that idea. However, we did watch Passengers at 9pm and Sophie really enjoyed it. Even though I'd seen it earlier in the year I enjoyed it as well and when it finished we watched a very rude dating show called Naked Attraction. The only reason we watched it was because Sophie knew one of the men on the programme who she'd been at school made for very cringey viewing!

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