Thursday 26 June 2014

Silent house...

Today has been exceptionally quiet at work, even though the weather has been no different to yesterday when we were quite busy. My daughter was a little bored and spent a good deal of time in the office with Mum and I, which I have to say I enjoyed. It's been great having her at work with me!

Luckily, Paula came in to cover again so we left work at about 3.30pm and went home. I had a sudden craving for a scone so Keith and I made griddle scones on our George Foreman grill. I'd never made them before and they were very easy to make. Within twenty minutes, Keith and I were enjoying a cup of tea and scones!

It's been a very quiet house this evening as no sooner had Mikey arrived home than he was out at a friend's house to go to the Marine Cadets in Kettering. His friend goes twice a week and Mikey is interested in joining as well. I'm not sure about it as Thursday was our only free night of the week, but he assured me he can walk to his friend George's house and get a lift home.

Sophie spent most of the evening getting ready to go out with two of her friends for cocktails - yes, it was another 18th celebration - and we took her into Northampton at 8pm. She was then staying over at her friend Laura's house and I'll be picking her up tomorrow morning after taking Mikey to school.

When Keith and I eventually arrived home we ate the dinner that we'd planned originally for the four of us - pulled pork - although it wasn't quite the same as when I made it the other week...less said about that, the better!

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