Sunday 1 June 2014

A Spring break in Wales - Day Three

We awoke to another cloudy day but over breakfast the sun did manage to peep out and we saw some patches of blue sky. We'd decided to walk over the railway bridge that crosses the estuary this morning before heading home.

Barmouth was hosting some sort of event this morning and we managed to park the car on the very edge of the town, near to the bridge.

No cars are allowed to use the bridge, just trains and pedestrians (and cyclists). There was mention of a toll but nobody came out of the house at the start of the bridge to take any money. The bridge is wooden and was very rickety in places! I'm not sure I would have liked to have been on the train!

The views up the estuary more than made up for the rickety bridge though and we had a very enjoyable walk over to the other side.

Once over the bridge we came to Morfar Mawddach station and saw that a train was due in at about 11am. We thought it would be great to be on the bridge at the same time as the train so we walked a little way along the Mawddach Trail which follows the same route as an old train line (one of the ones closed down in 1964 by Beeching). However, the path was overshadowed by trees and bushes and we couldn't see any of the gorgeous scenery. We left the path and returned to the bridge via a protected bog which was full of beautiful yellow flowers that looked like very tall orchids.

Just before we got back onto the bridge we heard the train coming and sprinted the last few yards! It was early!

By the time we returned to Barmouth it was almost 11.30am and we decided that it was time to return home. The journey took us about three and a half hours and the roads were busy with people travelling back after the half-term holidays. We heard that there were problems on the M6 so we decided to take the toll road which was smooth and trouble free.

The children were pleased to see us and the house looked lovely, due entirely to Sophie making sure that the housework had been done. She had missed us a lot so I made it up to her by watching several episodes of Desperate Housewives back to back!

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