Saturday 15 December 2012

Quiet contemplation.

Today has been busy but enjoyable. Our new hairdresser, Amy, arrived at 10am to cut mine and Sophie's hair and she managed to fit Keith in as well, which pleased him. Mikey stayed in his room as he now wants to grow his hair long again!

Once Amy had gone I hoovered up all the hair on the kitchen floor (lots of it!) and then it was time to take Sophie to work, before heading back home for lunch and a walk at 3pm. As the fields are so muddy (the rain last night was torrential) we walked into the village and down a rough track to the Nature reserve. It was a beautiful late afternoon and I'd forgotten how lovely this walk is as it's quite high up so the views across to the different villages and the fields and woods are wonderful. At the bottom of the track I just wanted to stand and savour the peace and the views but it was getting dark so we headed home in the dusk.

Sophie called while we were walking and wanted me to pick her up an hour earlier than agreed. Keith came into work with me and we had a good look at all the different Christmas decorations that have been put up outside people's houses...some very tasteful and some very naff! Whatever you think, it's still lovely to see the lights twinkling and I do miss them when they have to go down in early January. I sometimes think that that's when they're needed most, in the dark miserable months at the start of the year!

Once Sophie was delivered home, Keith and I went to the pub for an hour, to make up for being so lazy last night. Again, it was quiet and cosy and we had a very pleasant time chatting to Ian and soaking up the atmosphere!

Evening Tipple: Chablis

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