Thursday 20 December 2012

Panto time!

It's always been a tradition for Mum and Dad to take the children to the Pantomime at Christmas and although we've missed a couple of years, we went along this evening to see Cinderella.

Dad drove so I was able to enjoy a whisky and lemonade before the performance and we all had a great time. The Panto starred Bobby Davro and Denise Welch and the cast, costumes and jokes were all brilliant. There was something for everyone - lots of adult humour, plenty of laughs for the children and it was very entertaining indeed. We even had two Shetland ponies on the stage when Cinderella's coach turned up to take her to the Ball!

Before we went I took some photos of the children as I'm going to print one off each for my Mum and Nan as Christmas presents...

Fairly typical behaviour!

Evening Tipple: Whisky and lemonade

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