Monday 24 December 2012

I'm not liking this grey Christmas...

I woke up at 5.45am this morning and although the thought of a cup of coffee and a chocolate biscuit was tempting, I buried my head under the covers and went back to sleep. When I did get up I watched a recorded programme of Joanna Lumley in search of Noah's Ark. Looking at the disgusting weather outside I think that it may be time for us all to build another Ark!

I had an appointment to give blood at 10.30am so I drove off to Sophie's school through flooded roads, gazing in shock at the lakes forming in the fields. It was still pouring down and I feel so sorry for anyone who has had their house or business flooded this Christmas.

Luckily, I was seen and up on the bed quickly to give my 29th (this time around anyway) pint of blood. The nurse said that my arm had a bit of scarring where they insert the needle so it was more painful to get it into the vein this time. I only wish I could use my left arm as well, but I can't straighten it after falling over (when I was 8 months pregnant with Mikey)!!

I relaxed afterwards with a coffee and a Club biscuit and made an appointment for May as the next time they meet at the school will be when we're in Florida! Time is whizzing by!

At lunchtime we all went off to the pub for lunch which was lovely. There was a great atmosphere as usual and it was nice to sit and relax and not worry about doing the washing up afterwards! Once lunch was over Sophie and I drove over to Market Harborough to have a wander around the shops and then we called in to see Duncan and Nick and wish them a Merry Christmas (not difficult when they're surrounded by wine and spirits!). Sophie asked Duncan if he had any Honey Rum, but he had Honey Bourbon instead so we had a sip (delicious!) and I ended up buying a bottle as a treat, with a couple of bottles of strong beer for Keith as a tree present and to cheer him up as his cold is really rough.

Back home it was time to get cosy and curl up on the sofa to watch Lady and the Tramp!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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