Friday 28 December 2012

An unexpected journey...

My Nan had to go into hospital yesterday as she has an infection in her legs so Mum and I drove down to Kent to see her today. I was really not looking forward to going as the weather was grim and miserable again and hospitals are not my favourite places!

We had a great journey down until we were about six miles from the bridge and everything slowed down, with no apparent reason why, so we didn't arrive at the hospital until about 1.30pm. After a quick sandwich we went into see Nan an hour earlier than normal visiting hours and sat with her until about 4.30pm. She was in her own room and was very moany so we quickly told her to stop with that as there wasn't anything seriously wrong with her.

Both Mum and I were under the impression that she was really not very well, so we were preparing for the worst but I can honestly see her getting her telegram from the Queen!

The journey home was fast and uneventful and I popped into the pub to say a quick hello to Keith and Dave and to pick up my car. Keith suggested I come back to pick him up a bit earlier and have a drink with them both, which I did! A very relaxing way to end a tedious day!

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