Friday 4 November 2011

A bad start!

Today didn't start off very well, when my mobile phone rang as I was driving into work. Knowing it wouldn't be family, I pulled off the road and rummaged in my bag for it in the pouring rain, curious to see who it was. It was our cleaner at work and my heart sank when I saw her name displayed, my immediate thought being that she was calling in sick.

However, she was calling to say that we had an enormous puddle of water in the middle of our restaurant floor and that our wet and dry machine just wasn't coping with it! I told her I'd be in in ten minutes and to leave it to me to clear up.

When I arrived she was still sucking all the water up and was on her twelfth empty! The floor was like a lake so I pitched in and after about twenty minutes we had it under control, just as Mum and Dad walked in. Our cook had turned off the chilled display cabinet when she left last night and it had leaked water all over the floor...It's a good job she'd taken a day's holiday today!

Feeling a need for some very strong coffee, I went to get us all a cup when I discovered that the machine wasn't working either! I opened it up and saw that the milk was all clogged up so we had to take it apart, clean it all and then put it back together. Was I ready for a coffee when I finally got it!!

Luckily the day improved drastically after that and the rain stopped just in time for mum and I to go off to Booker and do the weekly shop for work. We managed to get a lot of things done in the afternoon, some of them longstanding niggles that had been causing problems for a while so today has turned out to be a success after a very shaky start! Hooray for that!

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