Sunday 30 June 2024

A close call!

Sophie and I popped over to Tesco at  Kettering this morning as she had an appointment for an eye test at Vision Express within the supermarket. I left her to it and did some shopping, buying a lovely loaf of bread for lunch, garlic, a wedge of ComtĂ© cheese, and a bottle of Blanquette de Limoux, which was recommended on this morning's Saturday Kitchen Best Bites. I also hunted in vain for fresh ginger but had to buy a jar instead. Before we'd left, we'd prepared a paste for tonight's Thai Green Curry, and the ginger we had in the cupboard was well past its best!

I took the shopping back to the car and sat in Costa with a flat white to wait for Sophie. When she finished, she said she needed new glasses, so we went to choose a pair. She had fun trying on different styles, including a pair that matched the colour of her hair!

Back home, we finished the preparation of the curry paste and had fish finger sandwiches for lunch. Today's weather has been disappointing, with a chilly wind and grey skies, and so different to yesterday when it was beautiful!

We busied ourselves by sorting out loads of laundry and cleaning the house. Vikesh came over at 3pm, and he and Sophie walked to the pub for a drink. I carried on pootling about and watched North by Northwest for a while upstairs until they returned. While Vikesh and Keith watched the England game, Sophie and I sat and played cards, nibbled on cheese, and sipped the French sparkling wine I'd bought this morning. It was delicious!

Pretty in Pink!

We were stunned when Slovakia took the lead in the football, but very pleased when England equalised! This meant it went to extra time, so we had to delay the dinner! There was a huge cheer in our house when England took the lead in extra time and won the match! We're through to the quarter-finals!

Vikesh didn't stay for dinner, so we ate at about 7.45pm, and the meal was delicious, fragrant with coconut milk and all the spices we'd used. I boiled basmati rice and there was enough left over to make a rice pudding tomorrow. Yum!

After dinner, we watched Glastonbury, intending to see SZA at 9.30pm, but she was late appearing, so we went to bed in disgust!

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