Thursday 20 June 2024

Looking back

My shift at work passed quickly and after getting home and changing, I went over to see Mum and Dad. The weather has improved over the last couple of days and today it felt a lot warmer than of late. It's due to get hotter in the early part of next week, but not thankfully the kind of heat being experienced in Greece at the moment where the temperatures are nearing 40c. It's early in the summer, so a little worrying.

We sat and chatted for an hour and I showed them photos of our Greek holiday in 1986. We all looked so young, because, of course, we were! I was 18!

This is one of my favourite photos and I loved my Roman Sandals! Mum seemed reluctant to look at the old photos, but I said we should cherish the memories and feel grateful that we were lucky to have had such great holidays. I am almost finished with the "Holiday Book" I'm compiling for them and just need to tidy it up and format it to the book publishing site I use.

Back home, I pootled about and Keith and I prepared dinner. We had chosen a broccoli and chicken stir fry and we wanted to get all the preparations done before England's game at 5pm. Sophie said that the driving was a bit manic on her commute home as people tried to rush and get back before the game!

The England team started well, but Denmark equalised and it all went a bit downhill after that! Keith spent a lot of time swearing at the television and said the same thing as the commentators! He should be a football pundit!

At half-time, we were treated to the sight and sound of a Spitfire doing several flypasts, soaring up into the beautiful summer sky and then swooping back down again! The game finished as a draw and Sophie cooked a delicious dinner, which we will definitely repeat!

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