Friday 7 June 2024

Friday at last!

I was definitely glad today was Friday and I was looking forward to the weekend and a couple of lie-ins! Sophie didn't go to the gym this morning after our late night last night (it was past 11pm when we got to bed), so we sat and had a coffee before getting ready for work.

I was answering calls today because Shirley was on annual leave, but the phones weren't too bad. I dealt with all the emails in between calls so the time flew by. At 4pm I sped home to relax after a busy week. Sophie also finished at 4pm and, after a quick chat about our respective days, went to get ready for an evening out with Laura at their favourite pub in Yardley Hastings.

Keith went to the pub, so I had an hour to myself. I actually curled up on the sofa and read my latest book in peace and quiet. Bliss! When Keith arrived home we had a simple dinner of fishcakes and mashed potatoes, and then I went upstairs to watch the film, Wicked Little Letters starring Olivia Colman. I'd wanted to see it when it first came out, and I enjoyed it tremendously! 

Sophie rolled in at almost 11pm but had had a great night catching up with Laura. I'd managed to get both cats in so that pleased her! They were both curled up on the footstool and had great cuddlies!

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