Sunday 9 June 2024

Missed meetings...

I came downstairs this morning to find both cats had eaten their breakfast and gone out, so Gomez must have been OK after his dramatic jump last night. It's something that we will definitely learn from, though, and make sure the bedroom doors are closed if we leave the windows open!

We heard the very sad news that Dr Michael Mosley had been found dead on the Greek island where he was holidaying with his wife. He had gone on a walk and she had reported him missing when he didn't return. It was the news everyone was dreading, and I felt so sorry for his wife and family.

The sunny skies gave way to clouds later in the morning, and Sophie and I went over to see Mum and Dad for an hour. However, when we opened their door, they weren't there! I checked the activity timetable to discover they were probably taking part in carpet bowls, so we returned home. Sophie needed petrol in her car and we drove to the garage in Moulton to fill up.

Back home, we reheated the leftover Chinese meal from last night for lunch and then pootled about, doing mounds and mounds of laundry, and cleaning upstairs. I saw an advert for The Cat Show taking place at the NEC in Birmingham in September, so I booked Sophie and me tickets to go! It's just a pity we can't take Gomez and Mooney!

By 5pm, we were ready for a cocktail and a game of Scrabble! Sophie made us both a Negroni and for our second drink, she added Prosecco. The drinks were delicious!

Dinner tonight was a very easy array of cold meats, salad, new potatoes and nibbles. After we'd eaten we decided to watch Notting Hill, which was great to see again!

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