Thursday 13 June 2024

Not the best of meals!

I had a busy shift at work and it was great to look forward to going home at 2pm and relaxing. I hadn't anything planned this afternoon and felt a little weary, to be honest! 

The weather was gloomy and wet - what has happened to our summer? On the news, it said that this time last year, temperatures were hovering around 30c! I know of some people who have put their heating on at night to keep warm!

I sat with Keith on the sofa, and Mooney Bums joined us and was surprisingly affectionate! He never normally sits with us, preferring to lie on the Istanbul rug that Sophie brought home instead. He curled up next to us and was very loving! He can be like this when he wants food and has mastered the art of cupboard love!

Before Sophie came home, I busied myself with the jobs that needed doing. Unfortunately, dinner this evening was a bit of a disaster... I had suggested a chicken bake with bone-and-skin-on thighs and roasted vegetables, and I made my own marinade from honey, lemon juice, garlic and mustard. It smelt lovely while it was cooking but all of us agreed it wasn't my finest meal! The skin wasn't as crispy as I wanted and Sophie picked at it as she hates to eat chicken with bones! I am heartily sick of roasted vegetables, to be honest, and deciding what to eat every night is becoming a real chore!

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